kettlebells at the gym



people training MMA at NorthJax CrossFit

5 Common Problems our self defense / Martial Arts Can Help You Overcome!

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by stress, struggled with confidence, or just wanted a better way to stay active, our self defen…

starting young

The Time-Saving Benefits of Meal Prepping for Busy Moms

As a busy mom, juggling family, work, and home life can often feel overwhelming. Between managing kids’ schedules, maintaining t…

Billy Deadlift

How Building Physical Strength Boosts Mental Resilience, Focus, and Energy for a Successful School Year

As the school year kicks off, parents and students alike face a whirlwind of activities, from homework assignments to extracurricu…

Baby karina image

5 Ways Self defense / Martial Arts Builds Discipline for the School Year

As students prepare for the school year, developing strong habits and discipline is crucial for academic success and personal grow…

back to fitness

Balancing Fitness and Parenthood: Making Time for Yourself Now That the Kids Are Back in School

Parenthood is one of the most rewarding experiences life has to offer, but it’s no secret that it comes with its fair share …

Strength training women cartoon

Why You Should Have an Exercise Program Dedicated to Strength for Health and Longevity

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of strength training when we think about exercise. Many of us grav…

best self defense classes at NorthJax CrossFit

5 Ways Self-Defense and Mixed Martial Arts Build Confidence in Everyday Life

When people think of self-defense or mixed martial arts (MMA), they often picture intense training, sparring, and competition. Whi…

Woman in a personal training session

How Health and Movement Are Linked: A Simple At-Home Assessment

Movement is more than just staying active—it’s a vital component of our overall health and well-being. Whether you’re li…

self defense class at NorthJax CrossFit

Why train Self-Defense?

When you think of self-defense, the first thing that comes to mind might be the ability to protect yourself. And while that’s tr…

people working out in a group fitness class


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